August 2017 Newsletter


We want to praise the Lord for His loving kindness and tender mercies. His mercies are new every morning and His grace never stops amazing us. Unworthy of these mighty benefits, we are humbled the God of the Universe would show favor and want to spend time with us and give us a job to do.
As the Lord has graciously allowed us, this month we have spent three whole weeks in Wedowee. The meetings were close enough that we could sleep in our own bed at home. All three churches we served in had great needs, but the Lord in gracious mercy manifested Himself every time. He wants to meet the needs of His Bride. Pastor David Phillips, Amazing Grace Baptist Church, called us about what happened after we left their meeting. His son-in-law, a good man, realized the truth that all he had was his goodness. He gave the Lord his self-righteousness and was immediately robed in the righteousness of Christ. The Holy Spirit convicted another gentleman that his church membership was not going to be enough to get to Heaven. He now is a part of the Bride of Christ. We praise the Lord for revealing himself to these two.


Please continue to keep up with our journeys throughout the coming weeks by way of the monthly schedule. Again, this month, we will be in West Virginia in two churches. The areas of both churches have great needs of which only the Lord can change the hearts of these desperate folks. The devil seems to have the upper-hand but we know that Jesus has all power in Heaven and earth, and can give life to the dead in trespasses and sin. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. We are trusting the Lord will break the chains of sin in those hearts there. There possibly will be lost family members in the services, so please pray.
Also, we all have heard and seen the devastation in Texas and Louisiana these past few days due to the storms and flooding. Our hearts have been much in prayer for all the suffering and displacement of so many lives. We have many friends who were affected in one way or another in all those areas. It is our prayer the Lord will give great comfort, peace, and guidance as to what to do next. We also, want to be sensitive to the areas we can be used most to help them.
So many times, we don’t know the Whys of the things that come into our lives. Just as Job’s massive loss in his life. The loss of his wealth, 10 children, and his health all came in a very short span of time. His world was spinning out of control, but the Bible tells us in the midst of it all, he fell down upon the ground and worshipped. Who did he worship? “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD.”
He knew that STORMS had taken his wealth and his children. He was aware of who was in control of the weather, but as to the WHY, he most likely never knew. His saving truths came when He forgot about what he did not nor could not know and yielded his mind to the three things he did know for sure.


Job 19:25-27

Job is believing in what really counts.
Job certainly did not know much about the TRIALS he was going through but it was the TRUTH he did know, that got him through!

    1. The truth about the REDEEMER

“For I know that my redeemer liveth”

    1. The truth about the RETURN

“And that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth”

    1. The truth about the RESURRECTION

“And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another: though my reins be consumed within me.”

The Eternal truths you DO know
will get you through all the events of life
You DO NOT know!



We are thankful for sending Bro. Caleb Williams, GRACE STAND MEDIA, our way to get this website up and running. It is our prayer, as you visit, you will be helped through the preached Word and by way of the sermon outlines. If indeed this site has been a help and blessing to you, please get the word out and invite others.